Hair Story

My mother is hairless. What? Well, I mean, she's not hairy. Huh? Okay. She's not bald. But she's not furry either. What I'm trying to say is, my mom doesn't have a lot of hair on her body a la Europeans. Whoops. Hair doesn't grow on her arms or legs. She does not need to shave. She claims to have "Indian" skin. Yup. That's what she calls it.

She does, however, get the occasional SINGLE hair in the armpit area. That's right - one or two hairs that grow in and she notices because they itch. So here's a classic memory: she used to have me or my sister pluck the hair from her 'pits. Yeah.

And because my mother never had the need to shave, my sister and I never learned the art of shaving from her. She insisted that we, being her daughters, had skin like her and that we didn't need to shave. Needless to say, we had to learn about hair extraction elsewhere...

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